Friday, March 16, 2007

海壽司Susea Sushi

今天晚上跟另一半到旺角覓食,發現了這間食店。看它們像新裝修,加上不用等候的關係,我們便鼓起勇氣嘗試這間日本食店 - 何故我說是鼓起勇氣呢?需知道,現在想找尋保持水準的食店確是難事。
進入店內發現頗為擠迫,尤其是迴轉壽司吧台位置;可幸我們可選擇坐二人枱,還算舒適。挑選食物,當然以壽司為主,另外加上一個肥牛火煱、毛豆、泡菜及炸生蠔。壽司的質素不錯,魚生很新鮮,醋飯的味道也很適中;至於款式選擇亦很多,推介壽司是帆立貝壽司 - 那片帆立貝令人一試難忘啊!

海壽司Susea Sushi旺角亞皆老街36-38號龍飛大廈地下至一樓
電話: 23913708

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wai, next time when we eat in MK, I bring u to a pretty new shanghainese restaurant ar. it's opposite to the back of Pioneer center, 2/F, called 'Yung Fook'. their food gai ho mai and there is very clean and tidy, not much ppl know there, so easy to get a table. the prx for dish is ard $40-50, we can choose set,plus 'tea fee', dinner +10%, lunch/tea ng sai +10%. lunch set very good deal: most are $25 + $3 tea fee, inc 1 dish, 2 bowl of white rice or 1 bowl of vegie rice, + chi soup.